Wednesday 18 December 2013

Home Remedies for Yellow Nail Syndrome

Yellow nail syndrome is a rare disorder of the nail of the finger or toe nails accompanied by swelling of parts of the body. It is a condition which starts in middle age but is also sometimes found in young children.  It is caused by blockage of the lymphatic system. It can be associated with water collection in the space surrounding the lungs, and bronchi infection of the lungs.
The main features of the yellow nail syndrome are that all nails of the fingers and toes are affected. Nails seem to have stopped growing. The nails become thick and turn to a pale greenish –yellow colour. There is swelling on the legs.  Patients complain of lung disorder and get frequent attacks of bronchitis, chronic sinusitis and pneumonia. The basic cause for yellow nail syndrome is not known.

Yellow toenails are usually a sign of fungus infection. Many fungi   on the toe nails produce coloured pigment which is of yellowish or brown colours. A diagnostic test in a laboratory will reveal the fungus infection and this will require a different treatment. Untreated infection can spread to the whole nail and move to the root of the nail causing serious problems.  These infections can be easily treated with oral medication or by a nail paint which is prescribed by a doctor. Natural and home remedies help in softening the toe nails have been found to be more effective in cases of fungal infection on the toe nails.
Home Remedies for Yellow Nail Syndrome
The treatment for the yellow nail syndrome is connected with the treatmentof the respiratory problem which is often associated with the discolouration of the nails. In most cases the change in the nails are permanent but in some cases complete reversal is seen.
  • Nutritional supplement of Vitamin E andZinc are found to be effective in controlling the conditions of the yellow nail syndrome.
  • Sometimes nails turn yellow by smoking and by repeated regular application of nail polish. In mild cases of yellow nails certain natural home remedies help in restoring the colour of the nails.
  • Fresh lemonjuice helps in whitening the nails. This should be done by regularly soaking the nails in a bowl of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • Denture tablets that are used to keep dentures white and bright are also helpful in whitening the nails. Nails need to repeatedlysoak for some time in a solution of denture tablets and water.
  •  Light buffing the nails can also help in removing the discoloration of the nails.
  •  There are some inexpensive, effective and east to use whitening pencils available in the chemist shops to make the tips of the nails look whiter.

Yellow nail syndrome is a health complication that is common with millions of people. The complication may be due to fungal infection or respiratory disorder. Whatever be the reason for the discoloration of the nail is it can be treated with a supplement of Vitamin E.

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